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Sabtu, 23 November 2019



🍁Selamat Hari Anak Internasional🍁
SMA NEGERI 1 KULISUSU mengadakan berbagai kegiatan dalam rangka merayakan Hari Anak Internasional yang jatuh pada Hari Kamis, 7 November 2019. Kegiatan dimulai dengan jalan santai pada jam 5.30 WITA, kemudian di lanjutkan berbagai kegiatan lainnya seperti menyanyikan lagu INDONESIA RAYA (3 STANSZA), makan bersama, membersihkan lingkungan sekolah, kegiatan literasi di sekitar lingkungan sekolah, senam GERMAS, simulasi bencana oleh PMR SMANSAKU, Permainan games tradisional, serta berbagai event menarik lainnya.
Tak lupa juga dengan kegiatan Tepuk Hak Anak dan Yel-Yel sekolah Ramah Anak, serta deklarasi Hak Anak yang di lakukan oleh perwakilan dari FORUM ANAK BUTON UTARA.
Kegiatan ini selesai pada jam 10.00 WITA yang dibarengi dengan salaman kepada guru-guru SMA NEGERI 1 KULISUSU.

Perkemahan Akbar

Perkemahan Akbar (PERJUSAMI) SMA Negeri 1 Kulisusu

Perkemahan Akbar Perjusami (Perkemahan Jum'at, Sabtu, & Minggu) SMA Negeri 1 Kulisusu yang diselenggarakan oleh Pramuka gudep Tasau'Ea pangkalan SMA Negeri 1 Kulisusu bertempat di area sekitar lapangan basket dan voli SMA negeri 1 Kulisusu. Kegiatan perkemahan ini dirangkaikan dengan Latihan Dasar Bela Negara (LDBN), Latihan Dasar Kepemimpinan Islam (LDKI), Kerohanian Islam (Rohis), Perayaan Maulid Nabi, dan tak lupa pula Upacara peringatan Hari Pahlawan 10 November.
Perkemahan dibuka dengan upacara pembukaan pada jum'at sore oleh anggota Pramuka Gudep Tasau'Ea. Dihadiri pula oleh beberapa pembina pramuka dari berbagai sekolah di Buton Utara.
Kegiatan dilakukan selama 3 hari 2 malam dan diikuti oleh seluruh siswa SMA Negeri 1 Kulisusu. Dalam kegiatan ini terdapat banyak even menarik yang menambah semarak perkemahan akbar ini. Diantaranya yaitu lomba pentas seni yang diadakan dua malam berturut-turut dengan berbagai kesenian unik ditampilkan siswa perwakilan setiap kelas, upacara unggun juga tidak ketinggalan, senam pagi menjadi rutinitas tiap paginya, juga berbagai macam games atau permainan membuat kegiatan perkemahan sangat menarik dan menambah antusiasme siswa.

Senin, 22 Juli 2019


School profile

SMAN 1 KULISUSU is built-in 1987. The location of this senior high school in jln. Sugitosumodiharjo No.5 kel. Bangkudu, kec. Kulisusu, North Buton. SMAN 1 KULISUSU  is the first senior high school in our place. But now, there is three senior high schools include SMAN 1 KULISUSU, SMAN 2 KULISUSU, and SMAN 3 KULISUSU. Every senior high school stay in a different place.

The chairman of SMAN 1 KULISUSU  now is  Arman Ani.  SMAN 1 KULISUSU has accreditation from 2 years ago in 2017. Accreditation means that  SMAN 1 KULISUSU has a good for academic, skill and knowledge. It becomes to be a favorite school in North Buton. SMAN 1 KULISUSU  use K13 for curriculum.

The school starts from Monday to Saturday. The student marched in front of the central office at 6.45 am then after that time to starting study at 8.00 is. On Monday the school finish at 12.55 pm. On Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday school finish around at 1.40pm-1.45pm. And on Friday the school finish at 11.15 am because Muslim peoples must do their duty to pray in the mosque,  especially for the man.

There are two choices if you want to continue your school in SMAN 1 KULISUSU, it's MIPA or IIS. In MIPA class we will study math, biology, physics, chemistry, and another subject. Different from IIS study about history, economy, biography, and etc.

In SMAN 1 KULISUSU there are 10 classrooms for every class, that 10 class, 11 class, and 12 class. And every class are divided, five class for MIPA and also five class for IIS.  The next another rooms 1 physics lab, 1 biology lab, 1 chemistry lab, 1 library, 1 mosque, 1 cooperation, 2 canteens, 1 multipurpose room, 1 central office, and the last 1 room for teacher.

There are also some field, football, basketball, takraw,  and volleyball.
OSIS and MPK are the organization in SMAN 1 KUKISUSU to regulate the school. Assignment for OSIS to di our program at school. In OSIS there is 10 part with a different assignment. And the assignment for MPK is to supervise what OSIS do to all their program.

Many activities in SMAN 1 KULISUSU we can join as students.  Like Scout, PMR, Rohis,  and PIK-R. It can make us easy to get new friends and socialization with them. We can also develop our self-confident to speak in front of lots of people, how to ask and how to explain something by joining the activities.

Credits :

Bidang 10 : Komunikasi Dalam Bahasa Inggris/English Communication (Article Creator):

  • Fauzan Airlangga (Coordinator)
  • Karina Nurul Hikma (Member)
  • Tarisa Nur Amalia (Member)
  • Anna Grace Zukri (Member)
  • Aryol Fregisno (Member)
Bidang 9 : Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi/Technology Information And Communication:

  • Keanu Reeves
  • Johnny Depp
  • Tony Stark
  • Ricardo Milos
  • Bob